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// verander hieronder de kleur font en grootte van het klokje var tags_before_clock = " " var tags_middle_clock = "" if(navigator.appName == "Netscape") { document.write(''); } if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1){ document.write(''); } function upclock(){ var dte = new Date(); var hrs = dte.getHours(); var min = dte.getMinutes(); var sec = dte.getSeconds(); var col = ":"; var spc = " "; var com = ""; if (hrs == 0) hrs=12; if (min
mail me!
window.moveTo(0,0); var hoogte = screen.availHeight; var breedte = screen.availWidth; window.resizeTo(breedte,hoogte);
mail deze link! Vul het emailadres van de ontvanger in: var good; function checkEmailAddress(field) { // the following expression must be all on one line... var goodEmail = field.value.match(/b(^(S+@).+((.com)|(.net)|(.edu)|(.mil)|(.gov)|(.org)|(..{2,2}))$)b/gi); if (goodEmail){ good = true } else { alert('Vul een geldig emailadres in.') field.focus() field.select() good = false } } u = window.location; m = "Interessante download, kijk snel"; function mailThisUrl(){ good = false checkEmailAddress(document.eMailer.address) if (good){ // the following expression must be all on one line... window.location = "mailto:"+document.eMailer.address.value+"?subject="+m+"&body="+document.title+" "+u; } }
var NS4 = (document.layers); // Which browser? var IE4 = (document.all); var win = window; // window to search. var n = 0; function findInPage(str) { var txt, i, found; if (str == "") return false; // Find next occurance of the given string on the page, wrap around to the // start of the page if necessary. if (NS4) { // Look for match starting at the current point. If not found, rewind // back to the first match. if (!win.find(str)) while(win.find(str, false, true)) n++; else n++; // If not found in either direction, give message. if (n == 0) alert("Not found."); } if (IE4) { txt = win.document.body.createTextRange(); // Find the nth match from the top of the page. for (i = 0; i 0) { n = 0; findInPage(str); } // Not found anywhere, give message. else alert("Not found."); } } return false; }
function n(naam, statnaam){ top.location.href=naam; } function addplus(items){ var plussed = ""; for (var t = 1 ; t